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Affiliate Program

Earn commission and get advantages on our services

Earn commission and unlock exclusive advantages by partnering with our hosting company! Join our affiliate program today and start earning lucrative commissions for every successful referral you bring in.

Sign up as an affiliate

Our team will be happy to talk to you about becoming an affiliate and explaining in detail how it works.

Add us on your platform/Website

Follow our brand guides and market our products with your affiliate ID

Start earning

As soon as the first order comes in you will start getting you first commission

Discounted/Exclusive services

All of our affiliates get access to exclusive discounts and other services to empower their affiliation campaign as well as to use with their project

How affiliation works

Depending on the reached agreament and the number of sales/reveneu that is brough trough your affiliate Id you will have different condition and other perks

Affiliation plans Coming soon

Coming soon
Coming soon

Coming soon
Coming soon

Coming soon

More info?

Our support team will be happy to help you with any questions you may have

What do affiliates get

Attractive branding

We provide you with lots of branding and other materials that you can use to market our services

Complimentary Hosting

As an affiliate you may get your very own complimentary web hosting as well as discounts on our services

Click statistics

We provide you with easy to use and informative statistic about clicks on your affiliate link